Monday, November 24, 2014

Chuck Hagel has been the U.S. defense secretary for less than two years and is already giving up the top defense position in the country. He is a former Vietnam vet and U.S. senator who came to power in 2013 with the goal of narrowing the defense budget and withdrawing troops from overseas. However, once ISIS had become a threat to the American people then Mr. Hagel and President Obama found themselves at odds about what to do with the situation. There had been a clear lack of strategy whenever ISIS had come along and after mid-term elections it was apparent it wouldn't work out. It is believed that Mr. Hagel was asked to step down by the President whenever he had opened up discussion about his possible departure.

I understand why the President and Mr. Hagel would decide to part ways but I also feel like it may have been a mistake having a lone Republican be a part of an entirely Democratic staff. Yet, President Obama is going to lose a potentially critical component based on his experience in the military and deeper understanding of the situation overseas because of his involvement with the Senate. Despite their differences and uniqueness to this particular issue, we are seeing the classic lack of communication and planning whenever dealing with complex issues that need attention to detail and strategy. If the threat of a group like ISIS had been discussed, then the issue would be fairly easy to resolve. Unfortunately, when Mr. Hagel had come to his position he wasn't aware of Obama's stance on how to deal with a threat of this nature despite it being one of utter importance.
President Obama is expected to announce Chuck Hagel's resignation on Monday afternoon. He most likely won't announce a nominee to replace Mr. Hagel on Monday but once chosen they will still have to be approved by the Senate. This may prove difficult for Mr. Obama due to a shift in a Republican majority following mid-term elections earlier this month.

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